My List of Frequently Recommended Supplements

by | Oct 16, 2015 | Nutrition

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The frequently recommended supplements listed below are not recommended for everyone. They are merely a list of the supplements that I recommend so frequently that I put them all on a list. Seek my advice or that of another qualified nutrition professional before taking these or any other supplements. Now, to save you the hassle of shopping around to find the highest quality supplements for the best value (and remember, a cheap vitamin is worth what you pay for it). WE NOW OFFER A COMPLETE LINE OF ORTHOMOLECULARTM NUTRITION PRODUCTS THROUGH OUR OFFICE.

Patients may order Ortho Molecular Supplements online and receive free delivery.
Patient registration and order placement instructions in PDF.

Commonly needed vitamins/supplements:

Vitamin D3

Ortho Molecular D– for bone, connective tissue health, and possible protection from chronic diseases. 2,000 international units/day or 15,000 IU/week

In addition to supporting bone health, vitamin D plays an important role maintaining cardiovascular health and immune function, and promoting an overall sense of well-being.

Vitamin B-12

methyl B-12

Ortho Molecular B12– for mental energy and neurological health. 2,000–5,000mcg daily, lozenge or drops. Sublingual (situated beneath or on the underside of the tongue) 1,000mcg = 1 mg.

Methyl B12 includes a concentrated and bioavailable source of two key B vitamins: B12 and folate. This comprehensive blend helps support numerous systems in the body.

Niacin slow release

nicotinic acid

Ortho Molecular Time Release Niacin– lowers bad lipids and increases “good” cholesterol. 500mg daily up to 2,000mg daily. To reduce flushing, take with apple juice, eat a low fat snack, take one 325mg aspirin 1 hour prior.

Time Release Niacin includes powerful support for cardiovascular health. This formula is a unique sustained-release tablet which allows for maximal benefit with minimal side-effects.


Ortho Molecular Reacted Iron– In addition to the iron we carry, I recommend Ferrosequels.  For a milder dose that is less likely to cause constipation, “Hema-Plex” a vegetable-based iron/multivitamin by “Nature’s Plus” brand

Reacted Iron includes high-concentration, gentle iron to support energy production and a variety of other protocols.

Fish Oil (omega 3)

Ortho Molecular Omega-3– EPA:DHA RATIO 6:4 or 8:2. 1,000–4,000mg daily of Omega 3. Natural anti-oxidant that lowers fat in the bloodstream, for heart and brain health. A higher ratio of EPA to DHA is available for more effective lowering of bad cholesterol particle number.

Orthomega Select EPA is a powerful omega-3 concentrate that supports cardiovascular health and balanced blood sugar levels. It also provides high-intensity support for joint discomfort and muscular-skeletal integrity.



Ortho Molecular DHEA Tablets– 25mg daily Women, 100–200mg daily Men. Improves sex hormone balance.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the most prevalent, naturally occurring hormone in body. DHEA functions as the counterpart to the stress hormone cortisol. Healthy DHEA levels help balance the catabolic effects of cortisol.


Ortho Molecular L-Arginine– 500mg with each meal. Improves circulation and blood flow in all organs.

The amino acid L-arginine is a substrate for the biosynthesis of nitric oxide, a powerful cellular-signaling compound that helps blood vessels to relax. This amino acid is a potent promoter of cardiovascular and circulatory health.

Co-enzyme Q10

Ortho Molecular CoQ-10– 100mg–200mg daily. For cardiac protection and those on cholesterol-lowering “statin” drugs.

The antioxidant CoQ-10 supports cell energy production and provides wide-ranging cardiovascular support.

Calcium and Magnesium

Ortho Molecular Reacted Cal-Mag– for bone health and nighttime muscle relaxation. Usually taken in 2:1 ratio of Calcium to Magnesium, e.g. 1000mg:500mg for women’s bone health. Magnesium alone, as Magnesium Oxide or “Natural Calm” a powdered “hot drink” to take at bedtime, is often a great calmer and muscle relaxer for bedtime use. Selenium 400mcg daily, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, glucose control.

Reacted Cal-Mag includes three forms of highly absorbed calcium and magnesium for a variety of protocols.


Chia Seed black

– grind in coffee mill, mix with yogurt, sprinkle over cereal, etc. Drink lots of water!

Flax seed, psyllium seed

– Meta-mucil, Fiber-con, etc. Oatmeal—not the pre-sweetened, packaged kind!



Ortho Molecular EstroDIM– a chemical found in broccoli and cruciferous vegetables which helps the production of “good estrogen” in women (and men). Helps hormone balance and protects against some forms of cancer… especially colon.

EstroDIM provides the combined power of vegetable metabolites I3C and DIM in an easy-to-take capsule. These metabolites work together to support estrogen balance and breast and prostate health.

Natural Herbs:


Ortho Molecular Femarin– for estrogen and menopausal issues, supplements that contain black cohosh, dong quai (Angelica), and soy protein can help; such as “Estroven” brand. For added progesterone to balance hormone levels, help PMS. Natural creams such as “Restored Balance” brand are good.

Femarin is a well-balanced formula that provides targeted support for a comfortable menopausal transition.


Ortho Molecular Prostatrol– despite research that questions the effectiveness of “Saw Palmetto”, formulas that contain plant sterols (sitosterol, etc.) for the prostate are often beneficial.

Saw palmetto extract, stinging nettles root extract and pygeum bark extract support prostate health in different ways. Their combination in a single formula creates a synergistic effect.

Varicose Veins / vascular issues / hemorrhoids

Ortho Molecular VesselMax– bilberry, butcher’s broom, and combinations with these are proven medically effective

VesselMax is formulated with a blend of nutrients that support the integrity of health veins and promote efficient vessel function.

Anti-inflammatory / Anti-oxidant

Ortho Molecular InflammaCORE– green tea, turmeric, curcumin, cayenne

The InflammaCORE drink mix provides wholesome macronutrition and the proper base of nutrients to help maintain a normal inflammatory response.


Ortho Molecular Biotic– To maintain and restore gastrointestinal health, In addition to the OrthoMolecular brand, I recommend brands like “Ultimate Flora” and “Align”

Ortho Biotic includes a carefully assembled cast of probiotic organisms to support microflora balance and maintain a healthy environment for vitamin uptake and optimal immune function.