Word Picture: Is There Any Such Thing as Mental Illness?

by | May 27, 2015 | Healthcare, Reflection

The mind is like an old dirt road. Mental illness, the ruts in the road.

The more you drive down that road the same way, the deeper the ruts get. Sometimes those ruts get so deep and ingrained, no amount of turning the wheel will get you out of the rut. That’s when a motor-grader machine comes in. It plows up and smooths out the ruts so you can get control of your car again.

But if you keep going down that road the same way all the time because you choose to steer along the same path, the ruts will return.

Sooner or later no amount of scraping and smoothing will fix the road. You’re stuck.

So fix that road if you have to.

Better yet, choose to take a different path. Don’t wear ruts in your road.